A few weeks ago were finally the start of my summer vacation. From all the hard work and not to mention pressure from school activities, I have come to a point to relax and have fun; which made my mind wonder, “Am I really that serious?” *laughs* Nah, I’m not. In fact, when I get to have the chance to enjoy, I grab that opportunity. *ponders* An opportunity? So that means I wait until I get freed? And my enjoyment is a chance? *what?* Okay, let’s just put this into one complete statement: I was busy before and now, I get a chance to complete those and have time. *sigh* I think no matter how much I rephrase it, still the same thought would come out.
Anyways, what is summer? Summer is the season where the sun shines the hottest. People go out and enjoy the vicinities of beaches, resorts and spas. It is the time of the year where classes would bring to an end and children are allowed to play outdoors until they get tired. It’s the point where some trees would bloom flowers. Take note, only blooms in summer *we have this kind of tree but I don’t know the name*. When you think of summer, these things would definitely come to mind.
What am I going to do this summer? Summer in our place usually begins from late March until early June *wow! I didn’t know it’s kind of long… time does fly by when you’re enjoying yourself*. And to think, I’m booked of activities this summer. Let me enumerate some *laughs*:
· Apparently, after the Lenten season, my family and I would be spending my summer in the North.
I’m so much excited in this because, *call me naïve if you want to, okay?* it’s the first time I’m going to ride an airplane after my fifteen years of existence in the planet! I never rode on one so this definitely, the FIRST! First time in riding and going up way North. I’m pretty sure I’ll be taking a lot of captured moments in this. Though it would be lasting for three days and two nights only, I’ll make sure I get to every moment of it. Chances do really happen hardly ever, don’t you think?
· In the start of the month of May, a workshop for two weeks regarding our school publication.
A must-attend workshop for my last year in high school publication/school paper/magazine staff.
· Summer Camp Orientation!
Another two weeks of this pursuit. It is a two-day, one-night orientation for the incoming first years high school students or preferably called: The Freshmen as they take another challenge in schooling. In addition to that, my brother just graduated and goes high school and I want to help in facilitating the batch where he belong and other batches, of course.
There is one event that I really shouldn’t miss in the coming month though, the matrimony of my uncle and aunt. *sigh* I’m not sure if I could come because it is in conflict with my schedule of activities for May. Since in the start of another school year, it would be my last year in high school, I could not miss those activities because they would benefit me someday *not sure when*, but I know it would happen in the school year.
I wish I were two or having a doppelganger to split up and go to these events separately; but I can’t. I really don’t know what to do. Does someone have magic there and give me an alter-ego? Now, I sound desperate enough *laughs*, and I want it badly to happen. There is really one activity that I would forgo. It’s either I would surrender the last days of the workshop so that I could chase after the days before they get married. Another option is that I would finish the two-week workshop and go and appear before the start of the orientation or the first few days of the orientation. It’s really hard *shakes head*!
Though my summer is like planned ahead, it’s still okay at least, I get to have summer and still enjoy myself. It doesn’t really matter what you are doing as long as you’re happy and get pleasure from it as much as possible. Things do happen whenever you’re not expecting it. “Come what may,” as they say. This summer, I hope everyone get to enjoy the season. Kudos! =)