“Life can never be perfect,” they say. Yes, life can never be but we can find ways and means to live it up about perfectly. It has plenty of ups and downs. We don’t know what’s going to happen right at this moment when you are reading this but I’m pretty sure you have some safety precautions on how to avoid such catastrophes.
A line that struck me is that, “We may not have everything to enjoy life but we have life to enjoy everything.” For me, this simply means that even though we don’t possess the riches that others have, we can still enjoy life because it stores aplenty for us. In fact, happiness can’t be found in material possessions yet it only gives us satisfaction or reward from all the noble things we have done.
What about this quotation? “Life is just so unfair.”
When can we say that life is unfair? Maybe, you say it when you are experiencing misfortunes or when someone is treating you unfairly. When already experienced such, we dare to make it up to ourselves that we would not go across with it anymore as a saying would go, “Experience is the best teacher.” I dare say, people learn from their mistakes. For example, you weren’t careful of handling a vase and broke it. The next time you handle a vase; you would do it with such extra care so that it would not break anymore. See? Sometimes, we do not realize it but accidents only happen when you’re not careful.
Well, what more could I say? I’m sure some people or most of us had already this kind of experience: you’re happy then something wrong happens. It sometimes disappoints us and we ask ourselves, “Why would this kind of thing happen in such wrong time?” You could associate these events with this line, “Everything happens for a reason.” Events may happen because they are meant to be or they happen for such purpose but why does it happen when we’re enjoying something? One answer that could come into my mind is that: there’s a time for happiness and there’s a time for sorrow. If we try to think, our bad experiences count more than our good ones, don’t they? Come to think of it, if we don’t experiences such upheavals, we wouldn’t learn these lessons life has stored for us. Lessons in which would teach us to become stronger than were before, teaching us that: through all these ever-clashing storms, the sun would always rise up and there are some things that await us at the end of the rainbow. A rainbow tells me that, “Rest Assured, I’ll Not Bend Over Worries.” Let no worries overcome you! Go forth and you can do it!
Here's a poem related to the feature:
Twelve Ways To Keep Smiling
* Hold on to your dreams, and never let them go
* Show the rest of the world how wonderful you are!
* Give circumstances a chance, and give others the benefit of the doubt
* Wish on a star that shines your sky
* Take on your problems one by one and work things out
* Rely on all the strength you have inside
* Let loose of the sparkle and spirit that you sometimes try to hide
* Stay in touch with those who touch your life with love
* Look on the bright side and don’t let adversity keep you from winning
* Be yourself, because you are filled with special qualities that have brought you this far, and that will always see you through
* Keep your spirits up
* Make your heart happy, and let it reflect on everything you do!
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